With Twitter, it often becomes too easy to get caught up in allowing third-party applications access to your account. If you’re like me, you may not read through the fine print where those applications tell you exactly what they are accessing when they link to Twitter. With a few easy steps, you can clean up those applications and give your Twitter account a fresh, new, clean beginning.
Starting on your home screen, click your user name in the upper right-hand corner. In the drop down options, click on “settings”:
On the next screen, click on the “Applications” tab to see the list of the ones with access to your Twitter account:
When looking through this tab of your settings, be aware of what kind of access these applications are allowed. These settings vary; some have “read and write access”, others may have “read-only access”.
Choose which applications you would like to revoke access to, and click on the button provided. After this action has been completed, that application should be grayed-out with a button alongside giving you the option to “undo revoke access”:
Once you have revoked access to your Twitter account for all the applications you decide, you are all set! Your Twitter account has successfully been cleaned up, and is ready for anything you have planned to tweet.