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10 B2B Brands That Are Killing It on Social Media

Social media. It’s not just for B2C brands anymore.

More than just dipping their toes in the social media waters, many of those in the B2B space are now diving in head first, making a big splash not just on LinkedIn, but on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and pretty much every other related channel.

Like everyone else, of course, they’re publishing the requisite stream of news and information. But more and more of them are beginning to resemble their counterparts on the B2C side, going above and beyond to express their opinions, let their hair down and reveal the personalities behind the brands.

But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself. Here are 10 examples of B2B brands that are killing it on social media.

1. IBM on Twitter

Known for having had one of the corporate world’s strictest dress codes back in the day, it’s no surprise that IBM’s social media channels are equally buttoned up in 2015. I mean that in a really good way, of course. After all, not only does the largest computer company in the world know its way around social media best practices, it’s not afraid to push the edges of creativity, either, as this animated GIF on Twitter illustrates.

2. Cisco on Instagram

Many brands, B2B and B2C alike, are at a loss when it comes to developing new content to share on social media. Not this brand. In this classic case of newsjacking, Cisco shares a perfectly executed graphic to commemorate World Wide Web Day, complete with hashtag and logo. Great copy. Great picture. Great example of how to work the crowd on Instagram.

We remember the feeling just like it’s 1991. Happy #WorldWideWebDay!

A photo posted by Cisco (@cisco) on

3. Oracle on Twitter

The social in social media is what many companies overlook, but not Oracle. The softer side of this global computer technology behemoth is front and center here, giving nearly 400K followers an indication of how much they care about philanthropy, not to mention a good look at the heart and soul of their brand.

4. Intel on Facebook

In support of last summer’s #ILookLikeAnEngineer movement, Intel used social media to celebrate the diversity of their own engineers. Jumping on this viral bandwagon with such enthusiasm called attention to the strength of Intel’s corporate culture and surely went a long way toward helping its recruitment efforts.

8 Intel Engineers Breaking the Mold #ILookLikeAnEngineer http://intel.ly/1MwqZxy

Posted by Intel on Friday, September 18, 2015

5. Raytheon on Twitter

It’s understatedly written, but this tweet speaks volumes about this big defense contractor’s caring corporate culture. Ambiguously worded to leave you in wonder, it’s referring to the fact that so many Raytheon employees are happy to honor U.S. servicemen and women on RED (Remember Everyone Deployed) Shirt Fridays. Awesome picture. Awesome cause.

6. Novartis on Instagram

You’ve got to give props to this pharmaceutical giant not just for having an Instagram account, but for using it in such a clever way. Calling attention to a rather fascinating interactive exhibit about the role nature has played in medicine, Novartis does an excellent job of piquing its audience’s curiosity and coaxing traffic over to beautifulmedicine.com.

7. GoTo Meeting on Instagram

With so many brands competing for the audience’s attention, the quality of what you share on social media is as important as the quantity. Consumers and customers expect to see you on these channels, but they have very little patience for content that isn’t either informative, helpful, pertinent or entertaining. Don’t waste anybody’s time. Follow the lead of Citrix GoToMeeting on Instagram, where you’ll find less than 100 posts, but almost every single one of them of the highest quality.

8. Salesforce on Facebook

Far too many brands focus too much on selling their products and services on social media rather than promoting the virtues of their employees. Not Salesforce, which salutes its team for reaching a one million-mile milestone in movement. Humblebragging about those who work for you shows you care about their health and happiness. Demonstrating pride in your people not only makes them feel good, it assures anyone who’s thinking about doing business with you that you stand behind your team.

We crushed the 1 Million Miles Challenge! That means our employees ran, walked, biked, or swam 1 million miles…in just…

Posted by Salesforce on Friday, September 25, 2015

9. Illumina on Twitter

Two of the most important characteristics of any social media program are transparency and immediacy. Case in point is this example from Illumina Live Events. Thanks to the author’s introduction, you know who’s doing the tweeting, which helps her build a bond with you right off the bat. Anytime you have the opportunity to extend a warm, personal greeting to your audience and engage with them in real time, take advantage of it. The trust and credibility you’ll gain will be more than worth the effort.

10. Gartner on Facebook

Not every post you share on Facebook is going to stand out in the News Feed – unless it’s accompanied by a graphic such as this one. Gartner may appear to be merely driving its audience back to a blog post, but it’s also doing a superior job of branding its Smarter With Gartner series of stories. Good for them. And good for those who are taking this legendary research and advisory firm up on their offers. It’s a win-win all around.

Gartner’s @julierhopkins lists 5 questions every social marketer should answer http://bit.ly/1Kanj2y

Posted by Gartner on Friday, August 21, 2015

Note: This post, “10 B2B Brands That Are Killing It on Social Media,” was originally published on ClickZ on October 7, 2015. To read the post there, click here.

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