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Boston SEO Agency Overdrive Interactive Sets Sail

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale
a tale of a fateful trip,
that started from this Boston port,
aboard this (not so) tiny ship.

The mate was a mighty sailin’ man,
the Skipper brave and sure (and Jude Law’s doppelgänger),
twenty five passengers set sail that day,
for a three hour tour,
a three hour tour.

On Friday August 14th a group of Overdrivers boarded the Liberty Clipper Schooner for a fun filled afternoon at sea. We began the morning at the office, awaiting our trusty chariot from the Boston Trolley Tours. As we boarded the trolley to start our adventure, we had to wave so long to a few of our landlubber teammates as this particular crew headed out on our maiden voyage together.




The shenanigans began early, as did the arrival of our Director of Social Media, Bob Cargill’s selfie stick.




Upon our arrival at the seaport, we were greeted by some eager New England Aquarium sea lions as we waited for the Liberty Clipper’s true crew to ready the boat for our motley crew. Once onboard, while we may have all been eager to begin our relaxing day on the water, the crew of the Liberty Schooner had a little surprise for us – WE had to help raise the sails. Led by the captain, who looked a lot like a sea loving relative of actor Jude Law, the co-captain, and their mates – Overdrive teamed up for a mighty “heave ho” to get our journey on its way.


captainlaw       ho


With the sails up, we were then able to relax and enjoy the companionship of good friends and colleagues while stuffing ourselves with the amazingly tasty food from Above and Beyond Catering. Whether it was basics like burgers, wings, and killer potato chips, or lobster sushi and miso glazed roasted vegetable skewers, this caterer lived up to their name and truly went – Above and Beyond. Thank you to them!

Now, it is important to note that none of this would have been possible, nor would a lot of what we are able to accomplish on a daily basis at Overdrive as a Digital Marketing Agency, if it were not for our unicorn, the rare and exquisite Barbara Bodell, our Operations Manager. Our CEO and founder, Harry Gold, took a moment to publicly recognize Barbara’s impact on Overdrive and thank her, presenting her with a framed note of appreciation, signed by the whole Overdrive team.


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The rest of the afternoon was spent in laughter, reflection, and relaxation, as we soaked in the sun and enjoyed our much needed break. In the end, our fateful trip stayed on course and did not result in an extended visit to a modern version of gilligan’s island. Other than the dispensement of dramamine for one of our crew and a couple cases of sunburn, we all survived what was a wonderful day replete with the classic rock curation of DJ MO, aka Mike Orlinkski, our VP of Search and Media, which carried us from trolley to boat and back home again.

boys       harrythumbsup

For the complete album of photos from our afternoon at sea, including some of the sights of the waterfront, take a look at our Facebook page here.

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