For those traveling this year, one of the biggest concerns is saving money. At least 52% of people in an survey do not plan to even travel this year. Of those who do decide to travel, 46% are searching for travel deals online prior to a trip.
Other ways people are using the Internet to save money on leisure travel include seeking less expensive hotels, meals and activities. Forty-five-percent of respondents stay close to home and use the Internet to research local activities, such as festivals, parks and picnics.
Another trend among those who desire to save money is that they are more attentive to online advertisements featuring discounts on more expensive items. Seventy-percent of respondents will pay attention to an online ad featuring an airfare discount, for example. Additionally, 67% of respondents are likely to click on an ad emphasizing discounts in hotel accommodations.
A September report by PhoCusWright and Compete indicated that traffic and conversion rates had increased in Q2 in travel categories.
“Consumers are certainly spending less, but they are not giving up travel, nor are they turning away from the Web sites that offer them the selection and convenience they value,” said Carroll Rheem, director of research at PhoCusWright.
Source: eMarketer; November 10, 2009