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Get Smartr: Twitter as Your News Source

A new application on the iPhone has been released, and focusing its attention on Twitter as its social platform of choice. The new application, Smartr, actually gives users the ability to use Twitter as their news source. Now having the ability to sort through different tweets in a user’s timeline, only those seen as the most useful will remain.

Smartr for iPhone actually works in a very effective way that provides users with the best experience within the application. Initially, it takes all of the tweets within the user’s timeline and deciphers between those with meaningful content and what it considers “spam”. After consolidating what it sees as the most useful, it then grabs the web pages within those tweets and optimizes the content, from images, text and video, and the final results is displayed within the iPhone app.

Should users prefer the Smartr version, they can click any update within the newly formatted Twitter timeline and it will be ad-free and displayed accordingly. Additionally, users have the option to share this on Facebook, Tumblr or Posterous, along with the ability to save it to read later on.

As part of its filtering feature, news junkies can receive only the information they wish for. So, Smartr actually sorts through checkins, badges, or stickers and classifies these as “spam”.

With its open API, the next move is the iPad frontier that should be going live within the next few weeks. As for the future? Smartr is looking to get even smarter – with the ability to pull from Twitter and Facebook, as well as other web pages that have been mentioned by users. Also, the Company eventually hopes to include a price tag with future applications down the line.

As Smartr continues to receive a strong core of supporters, its ability to provide users with their best experience promises a successful future. Now more than ever, social platforms are being leveraged to their highest ability and raises the bar within the mobile space and social media marketing.

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