It is with much pride to announce that Overdrive’s first Facebook application is ready for use. Built for, the application showcases their Globe 10.0 daily video series and allows users to comment on the videos. Perfect for the New England Sports Nut in all of us!
In addition to the comment system, users can also vote up or down good/bad comments a la Digg. At the end of the month, the user with the most positive votes will win a gift card to The Globe Store or other fabulous prizes.
We’ve also included the sports feed from The Boston Globe which links to the day’s sports headlines.
To find the application, search “Globe 10.0” on Facebook or go to
Feel free to add the application to your profile, send it to friends, and join the conversation.
Overdrive completely developed this application in-house, and it represents the first of what we hope to be many more Facebook/Social Media applications to come. If your company is interested in Overdrive building a world class application for your business, please contact us.