While most print magazines are rapidly moving toward digital, if they haven’t already, some are trying to integrate print with their digital presence on Pinterest by allowing readers to pin pictures using Smartphone watermark scanning apps. These apps scan a watermark, or a code similar to a QR code, next to a picture readers want to pin, which then brings them to the Pinterest board of the magazine, allowing the action to pin a photo from the board. This will be very beneficial to magazines because engagement will be brought online. How many times have you seen a picture in a magazine you want to pin?
Pinterest is driving large amounts of web traffic to websites and magazines want a piece of this pie to boost their own web traffic. Currently there are only a few magazines with just a couple of pages that are “pinning enabled.” It will be interesting to see how print will use pinning apps over the next year and what new apps will be available to do so.
Source: Ad Age