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Driving Forward > Digital Marketing Blog

Seminar: Search Engine, Blog and Social Media Marketing by Harry J. Gold of Overdrive Interactive

Exciting news! I am giving a Search, Blog and Social Media seminar at the NEDMA (New England Direct Marketing Association) Conference on April 30, 2008. You can see my seminar description below. It’s not on their site yet but click on the link below to see the preliminary info and sign-up for their newsletter via the “subscribe” box at the bottom of their page to get updates.

Search Engine, Blog and Social Media Marketing: Accessing the Critical Moment and Joining the Customer Conversation

Search engines have become the number-one resource that consumers as well as business and technology decision-makers use to find and research products and solutions. No other point of consumer or prospect contact has the ability to access the “critical moment” when your target audience is seeking exactly what you are selling. On top of that blogs and social media have become a trusted source of opinion and reviews for consumers, technology professionals and business people researching purchase decisions. They also offer an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to join the marketing conversation between consumers and weave their messages into user generated content and the market place instead of simply broadcasting to it.

The main question that every marketer must ask is: “Do I have a strong presence on the search engines, blogs and social media sites?” If not, then the obvious next question must be: “How do I build one in a cost effective and politically correct way?” The answer is search engine, blog and social media marketing. This seminar will focus on the statistics, strategies, tactics, and benefits of search engine, blog and social media marketing. It will also detail the linkages between search engine optimization and a strong presence in blogs and social media sites. Any marketer (both client and agency side) who wish to access prospects when they are researching or discussing their products and services should attend.

-Topics covered will include:
-Current and predicted trends in search, blog and social media behavior and technology
-Assessing your company’s search engine presence
-A detailed overview of paid search listing and advertising opportunities
-A detailed overview of organic search engine optimization
-Some tactics regarding universal and image search
-Converting search engine traffic into customers and leads
-A breakdown of the major search properties, the blog landscape and social media sites
-The anatomy of a blog and social media site profiles and channels
-Some basic blog and social media outreach and politically correct saturation tactics
-Case studies

Please come prepared to have a good time and ask lots of questions specific to your organization’s products and marketing goals.

About the instructor:
Harry Gold
Founder and CEO
Overdrive Interactive

Harry started his online career in 1995 when he founded Interactive Promotions. Since then he has been at the forefront in developing successful online programs for various agencies and Fortune 500 companies. His client experience includes search and online media management for top companies that include General Motors, Harley-Davidson, John Hancock, Dow Jones, EMC, Progress, LoJack, Cognos, Monster.com as well as many other companies who now enjoy a strong Internet presence. Harry brings to Overdrive a highly distinguished background in online development, search engine marketing, and online media that goes back over 12 years. As the architect and conductor behind Overdrive’s programs, Harry’s primary mission is to create innovative marketing programs based on real-world success and to make sure that the best marketing and technology practices that drive those successes are continually institutionalized into the culture and methods of the agency. What excites Harry is the knowledge that Overdrive’s collaborative environment has created a company of online experts, all of whom drive success for the clients and companies they serve. Harry is a frequent lecturer on search engine marketing and online media for The New England Direct Marketing Association, The In-House Agency Forum, The Ad Club, and Boston University. He is also a recognized subject matter expert and columnist for ClickZ.

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