While young males dominate the video game world, a recent study by Information Services Group found that the average social gamer was a 43-year-old woman.
Social games include web-based games, such as FarmVille and Mafia Wars, found on social networking websites.
The survey found that 55% of social gamers are female. Furthermore, more females are avid gamers – 38% play multiple times per day, compared to 29% of males.
Other insights revealed interesting findings beyond gender specifics. For example, Facebook is the most popular social network for gaming, with 83% of respondents logging onto the social website to play a game. Players have about six social games on average, and about 50% of respondents began playing a game because of a friend’s recommendation.
With 100 million people playing these games, the industry expects $1 billion in revenue this year.
Source: Mashable; February 17, 2010