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The American Magazine is Dead
A New Definition for Client/Agency Success
In the agency world, success can come quickly and/or it can take a while. But it’s how you choose to nurture the partnership that surrounds it, that is the key to winning in the long-run. I like to call this kind of success “Evolutionary Success” as it’s based not necessarily on the “here and now”, but rather on the ability to grow and nurture what you have today to create something bigger for tomorrow.
Passion is the Best Persuasion
In the world of marketing and in life, we all acquire persuasive moxie, it’s a survival skill. People view persuasion in different ways – for example, a salesman making cold calls verses a creative director presenting a new campaign or idea. However you choose to use your powers of persuasion there is one steadfast approach I’ve always based my presentations around – passion.
Bow and Drape – Customized women’s dresses funded by Kickstarter
The Strategic Importance of Landing Pages – Three Things You Need to Consider
In today’s ever crowded and competitive landscape, to be successful you need to consider and understand the entire engagement path of your user – from the moment they are first impressed through the point of conversion. Taking this approach enables you to create an engagement sequence that connects with the user throughout their online experience with your brand.