Andy Warhol was right when he said, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” Then again, maybe he was putting it too mildly. Today, thanks to social media, everyone has the opportunity to be famous for an…
Overdrive has updated our signature Social Media Map to present our most current snapshot of the social media ecosystem. The updated map includes live links to more than 230 websites, mobile apps and tools broken down into 23 categories. The map…
Social media reach and engagement rates have declined so drastically in the last year or two that paying to play is almost not an option anymore. But what about businesses and brands that can’t afford to advertise? These organizations can…
What is successful social media marketing for B2B brands? Is it the number of followers and likes your social channel receives? Or is it whether your brand can activate your social community to share your content? To help answer these…
The digital marketing world is rarely predictable, and social media least of all. We can’t predict which dog video will go viral, which dance move will take off, or which 60 second DIY clip will be shared by at least…
If you’ve scrolled through Facebook in the last month, you’ve probably seen at least one video of people posed, stock-still, as a camera moves around the space. The videos are short, about a minute long. They’re all part of the…
Okay, so you may think your business is boring…well don’t fret! You CAN use Social Media, and you CAN stand out among your competitors! Think about your employees. You are working with vibrant people, and you need to reflect their…
Don’t look now, but there is no more gravy train when it comes to social media success. There is just too much competition among businesses and brands for eyeballs and wallets for any of these channels to be able to…