Driving Forward > Digital Marketing Blog
Google Analytics Now Classifies Bing Organic Traffic As Referral Traffic?
Following some revealing discussion at webmasterworld.com, corroborating statements by Search Engine Land, and our own small look into the matter, it appears that Google Analytics (“GA”) just started reporting Bing organic search traffic as, well, something other than organic search traffic. According to new reports out…
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Topsy “Tops” Google for Real-Time Search
Has Bing’s New Facebook Integration Finally One-Upped Google?
Social Searching: Personalizing the Web
Searching, Socially!
Social Media Integration With Traditional Search Influences SEO
What Can First Page Search Results Get You?
Search Engine Optimization is a top proirity of senior marketers worldwide, ranking just after social networking and improving digital infrastructure within their priorities. This ranking of proirities is reasonable when you consider that across the three major search engines, less…
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